Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Going Green! Q&A with Mission Point Resort and Farmers Insurance

Going Green! Q&A with Mission Point Resort and Farmers Insurance
by Sara Faircloth, Mission Point Resort - Mackinac Island

Going green is a big trend in the hospitality industry these days and one that will be with us well into the future. Mackinac Island is one of the top recyclers in the state of Michigan.  Everything is hand sorted and then shipped off the island. This is something that we are very proud of as it is not an easy task. Below I interviewed Linda Turman with Farmers Insurance about what Going Green means to her:

Question: How important is it for a location to be GREEN that you are considering for a meeting? Such as recycling, re-using towels in the sleeping rooms, using glass versus paper cups, water pitchers on tables versus bottled water, etc. 

Answer: It is not a factor whether we choose or don't choose a location for our meetings.

Question: Have you noticed a change in your office environment on trying to be more GREEN? If so, can you give me an example of some things you do? 

Answer:  Going green in the insurance environment is at the top of our list.  One example of how we are saving trees is to encourage all of our clients to get their correspondence by email vs. paper, thereby conserving the mounds and mounds of paper we send out each day.

Question:  What is something you have seen, in your travels, with being GREEN, that you would like to see implemented more often? 

Answer: Giving the option of not changing the linens each day and at one lodge I saw a soap bar with a hole in the middle (half the soap and no waist). I thought that was very unique...